Why Do International Students Opt for a Course Change in Australia and Canada?

Australia and Canada experience a wide inflow of students every year looking for better study courses, job opportunities, and overall lifestyle. However, most students come on study visas and opt to change their course of choice due to several reasons. International students studying in Australia and Canada apply for course changes for better learning opportunities and to significantly enhance the probability of attaining a job and permanent residency. A course change in Australia and Canada can be due to several reasons that have been listed below:
1. Course structure and curriculum dissatisfaction:
International students studying in Australia and Canada opt for a course change due to dissatisfaction with the overall course curriculum. Students unaware of the course’s curriculum and teaching methods may look for an alternative course that fits within their preference. Students may even decide to change their course of choice for better learning opportunities, resources, and access to an experienced teaching faculty.
2. Difference in the course structure and available knowledge:
Students feel overwhelmed with a new country, culture, and course at their preferred learning institute. Unaware of the teaching methods, students may decide to change their course. Moreover, students may not possess the necessary knowledge and skills which the course structure and curriculum demands making it imperative for course change. Students therefore select a different course that fits within their field of knowledge, available skills, and even preferences. A course that matches the skills level and interest is selected.
3. Better career opportunities
Courses at the best institutes in Australia and Canada offer access to different career opportunities. Students therefore switch their courses for a better learning curriculum, and access to better jobs. For example, students may look for a course that focuses more on practical knowledge rather than theoretical concepts necessary for their preferred career goal.
4. To attain permanent residency:
Australia and Canada give preference to certain professions for awarding permanent residency like healthcare. Highly skilled professionals have a higher probability of attaining permanent residency in Australia and Canada. Therefore, students may opt for a course change that improves their chances of attaining better-quality jobs which in turn helps with attaining permanent residency. IT, healthcare, and even data science are certain areas that students prefer for course change to improve their chances of getting a permanent residency in the least time possible.
5. Changing industrial trends and career goals:
A significant change in the industrial trends can even influence a course change by the students. New and better courses with a chance of building a career in healthcare, computers, and other fields can motivate students to shift their courses altogether. Moreover, students may wish to shift from their present career goal due to changes in preferences like Fashion and design from Engineering.
6. Study work-life balance
International students may feel overwhelmed with a new course and its workload. For better mental and physical health and well-being, students may opt for a course change. They may select a course and career that fits within their preference and helps in maintaining a proper balance with their study curriculum and personal life.
Students however must take proper precautions before selecting a new course. Careful research and analysis of various courses available is a necessity. Moreover, students are recommended to follow the various rules and regulations for their study visa. Students may face restrictions due to the underlying rules for a course change making it imperative for taking the assistance of a professional study visa consultant. With their available expertise and experience the study visa consultants can offer guidance for a course change. They help students with the selection process of a new course due to their awareness of various Visa and immigration rules. Moreover, they educate students about the financial implications of a course change in Canada and Australia.