
Pacecourt: The Ultimate Choice for Backyard Basketball Court Builders

When it comes to building a backyard basketball court, choosing the right materials and expertise is crucial. Pacecourt, with its extensive 11+ years of experience in sports flooring, stands out as an ideal partner for backyard basketball court builders. They offer a comprehensive range of high-quality materials and a global network of over 200 dealers for installation services, although they do not install courts.

Material Costs for Basketball Court Construction

Pacecourt’s range of materials is specifically designed to meet the needs of a durable and high-performance basketball court. Below is a table outlining the costs of materials manufactured by Pacecourt:

MaterialCost per Kilogram
Pacecourt Concrete PrimerRs. 150
Pacecourt Acrylic ResurfacerRs. 128
Pacecourt  Cushion CoatRs. 128
Pacecourt  Acrylic ColorRs. 168
Pacecourt  Line MarkingRs. 199
Pacecourt  Silica SandRs. 12

Choosing Pacecourt for Backyard Basketball Courts

  • Expertise in Basketball Court Flooring: Pacecourt’s materials are designed to provide the ideal surface for basketball play. Their flooring options offer the right balance of grip, bounce, and durability.
  • Customization Options: With an array of color options, Pacecourt allows basketball court builders to customize the court to fit the aesthetic preferences of homeowners.
  • Global Dealer Network: Though Pacecourt does not directly install courts, their extensive network of dealers ensures that clients can find professional installation services easily.
  • Quality and Durability: Pacecourt’s commitment to quality means that their materials are built to last, making them a perfect choice for basketball court makers looking to construct long-lasting courts.


For backyard basketball court builders, partnering with Pacecourt means accessing a world of expertise, quality materials, and reliable dealer networks. Their range of products, coupled with customizable options, ensures that every backyard basketball court meets the highest standards of quality and playability. Whether you’re a professional basketball court builder or a homeowner looking to add a sports facility to your property, Pacecourt’s materials and network offer the complete solution.

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